
Collective unconscious

So, I knew while I was in Joyce Tenneson's workshop that one of my pieces was echoing a surrealist artist (not intentionally). I couldn't however remember who it was or the title of the paintings.

I have since discovered it was Rene Magritte. And there were even more images that echo his work than I was aware of.


Compare this one with Man in the Bowler Hat, or The Son of Man

Or this one with The Lovers (http://www.mcs.csuhayward.edu/~malek/Magrit1.html).

Or this one with The Postcard (http://junomain.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/lacartepostale.jpg).

Freaky, right?!


Beach Baby

From a recent trip to Rehoboth.

Tulle, Tulle Much

As usual, Kristi was a very patient and cooperative model for me this weekend! I'm so lucky to have friends who will humor me!

What do you think? I'm not sure about what to do with #1. I feel like her hair may be distracting, so I'm considering blowing out the whole picture (i.e., moving everything towards white) and then burning in her eyes. Or maybe just one eye.

Also, expect to see some similar self-potrait poses like in #2 coming soon. They were test shots with Kristi that I've been planning on exploring this week.


Finally....I got the freaking DCist photo of the day! Trena was a fabulous model for me a few weeks ago, and I'd say our effort paid off!
p.s. for the record folks, I could care less about the comments on the DCist site. Unless it's from someone I respect, their opinion isn't really important. This is a quirky, weird photo....and it will inspire all sorts of comments---from people who get it, and people who don't.