
Day Two: The Models Arrive!

Yesterday, it was raining cats and dogs. So, while we were to go on location, we ended up getting a studio 101 class from Joyce in the afternoon--which was a real treat. Joyce is known for her studio work, and truly she uses such a simple setup that it's completely imaginable setting up something similar for myself. And we got to watch her work with a model, which frankly was so helpful. Largely just to know that she really doesn't do anything special, but there are something one can do at the beginning to open up the relationship.

We started the morning with critiques of our monday work. Frankly, I was just relieved that Joyce saw we're I was going with the pics and really liked them. We then saw a short film that showed Joyce behind the scenes working with models and doing her commercial work. So, we had a nice chance to talk with her about how she combines her commercial work with her art.

Last night she did a book signing (yes, of course I got one) before the evening documentary. And as students in her class, we can get a print from her for 50% off. I have until friday to figure out what I'm getting, but at that price, it puts the smaller prints in my affordable range, and I know I'll regret not getting one. She also limits her prints to 25 or 50 (I forgot which), so it's a good investment.

Today it's gorgeous and we're headed out on location--so all natural light. And Joyce is going to give us a marketing lesson. Not only is she known for her art, but she's known for being a really smart business woman--so lots to learn today!

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